Wednesday, 12 February 2014

valentine letter to my future wife

Dear Future wife,

Valentine’s day is nigh and I haven’t been busy chasing around skirts. My friends think that it is a weakness, but deep within I know it is strength because I am able to withstand the allure of nice legs and soft skin around me. Now that is a decision I have kept to myself. I hope wherever you are  keeping yourself sanctified for our bed. I know that it might be hard and if in the event you let other people chovia from our (mine) future honey pot, keep it a secret and ensure it is none of my current or future friends. As you also allow others to chovia may you also bear in mind that I wish to get married to a “historically morally clean woman” , so please keep those numbers down. So with that your history is simply your history. We will talk about it before and not after the marriage. The same manner mine should not be a topic for discussion after marriage.
Future owner of my heart; You will win my soul through wit, beauty and heart, so me thinks. I therefore do not expect any dumbness coming out of your well set mouth. I will not marry a “diva” but a woman. So a woman I will expect to have in the house. A woman fit enough to stand on Juno’s pedestal as the chief hostess of the house. In-laws will always be there . May I warn you that my father has planted so many seeds and as I write this I have seven sisters. These women will keep you on toes for hacking some of their brother’s love. I will at times sit with relish as the women in my life fight to control my life. Don’t you worry, though, for I will always protect you from their well-intentioned but vulturous tendencies. My lady I will however be grateful if you will take the onus to prove to them that you were my best choice. That will prove my point on wits; Yes, wits for I do not wish and expect to see physical scuffles between you and my siblings. So a heart of iron and a soul of St. Francis you might be forced to hold.
If I marry a beauty never should I divorce a beast; either at face value or in soul. Keep yourself young and beautiful for me. Let me feel jealous whenever we attend events and you become the center of attraction. Make me laugh when we cross the street, hand in hand and other men hit street lamps as they look behind their backs. Let other women feel jealous that you husband is always home early, in fear of getting a replacement on his bed. Keep yourself ladylike for me to brag in front of my friends. A heart of gold I hope you will have, just like my mother’s. I never slept hungry even when we lacked for my mother fed others when she had and they didn’t have and acts of reciprocation made me grow. Words of wisdom should be held. Error is to man and so should you expect of your future husband. Many as I might make, I pray that your wisdom shall be my mirror and consciousness when mine fails me. My temple of hope and care when all else fails. May you be my source of happiness and contentment in times of sorrows and despair.
I would wish to be a multi-millionaire, if not a billionaire. I am working towards that vision. My “future honey bunny” (that’s what I hear good people call each other), I hope you will not derail this dream. Modesty is Godly. No, not a Toyota Vitz modesty but a BMW 525 modesty. I will bequeath you a modest life in my future six bedroomed “castle” in wherever. That however should not be the price of our marriage. I don’t want and won’t marry a tick. So working you will, no matter how rich the benefactor is. An honest 8-5 job with no evening engagements or “out of town meetings” shall suffice. Career woman? Good, but I want a wife. Pesa ya mboga, maziwa na mkate, should be handled from your docket. A witty woman works a gritty woman provides for the household.
Future mother of my children, I hope the term motherhood will suit the bill. In the unfortunate event that one of us can’t sire we will seek alternative means. The African man that I am will however seek to get one of our own blood. And  if we can’t get ours have no fear for our bed will remain the haven of only two beings (unless you invite another). Planning not to dwell on the unspoken I believe in your fertility and though I haven’t put mine to test I won’t question it either. Our children should be held as a source of joy by us. You will be expected to treat our little children like the little sweet hearts that they will be. Yes, even if it will many a times make me jealous. Never should you allow the house-help to take over your motherly duties. As I strive to pay the school fees (I don’t plan to be poor, remember?), you should endevour to know how their uniforms and books are. As I seek to look at their school work you should  let them know that success in school or otherwise is begotten through hard work and being smart. Make  them as honest as the woman I will marry. Teach our children to respect me and I will show them how to honor you.
Your husband may not be the best but your choice to accept him will be highly regarded. Going of course is a an assurance but if it so happens provide a path back to the “pearl gates of ….” Dressing well will at times surpass my judgement. At such times say a strict no to that mix and match combination of a blue shirt, yellow tie, black trouser and white shoes. A cartoon I will be to make you amused and smiling, but whenever I overstep my boundaries forgive me beforehand. Anniversaries, birthdays and deadlines will be forgotten but humbly remind me. I hate being shouted at, even my mum knows so. I will always cherish your culinary skills. Consider me your first fan as well as critic. Take your time right now to learn how  to prepare beautiful meals. You mother is a god cook isn’t she? Mine is!
A wife I will need not a bedmate. A wife I will need not just a companion. A wife I will marry not a bride. A wedding we may do, but does it matter? Loving you I will, but you have to prove its worth. Holding you in my arms I will, but you will have to be light enough. I promise to love, to hold and cherish you for the goodness that you fully possess. Perfect you may not be but the best you will be in that pool of many.
So as you prepare for this years Valentine’s also keep in mind your fate 20 years from now. Sweet Kisses as you enjoy youself
Yours lovingly,
Thy future mate

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

the boss dynasty

Monday morning, time to go to work. my work is work like any other except i assume the privellege that comes with my work of sitting down behind a rusty computer and having a government job with the promise of getting a good settlement once i retire.
I may have arrived at work at around some few minutes before seven. the good thing with a government office all the hard work and hustle is concetrated in the morning. well, lets say there is no much work this morning and i dont have anywhere else to go i just have to be in the office with the hopes of securing some time to watch a movie or two.
Just about that time a bulky man with some bulgy stomch walks into the office. well this guy is new in this office but then what you dint know he is my immediate supervisor and we happen to share the same office. this guy was relocated here recntly meaning he really does not have muc office space. so i have to relocated to another place to give him space to seat because he kind of asks to sit where am sitted because its the only comfartable place one can sit in the whole office.
This said and done i sit down and continue with my morning hustle like nothing has really happened, being a monday i dont feel like arguing with anybody, lest somebody files a bad report against me. well if you thought all is done, the man is busy fidgeting in his seat like he has been bit by some kind of  lice. to be sincere this office happens to have those things, but they only bite visitors because they are used to our blood and some fresh blood for a change is not so much to ask. he mumbles something and starts surfing through some dusty files
This guys wants to be boss and that means am the first person to face his wrath. he is the type of guy who will stop at nothing to make sure that those under him recognize that he really exists. the reason this guy is new in this office, he was transferred from upstairs because he could not manage to keep his act together at any given time in the upstairs office. this to him is like a demotion and he will stop at nothing to ensure that whoever stands his way is met with full reckon and force of his past mistakes and current anger. you should suggest therapy to him but the guy will only disappoint.

the nature of love

Love is so many things, but in the physical sense its really hard to explain. Love simply conquers all. Love is different for everybody so I won’t ramble on. But love should be something you’ve never felt before. Ever. It’s a new exciting experience of joy and confidence.

An unconditional love though is the pure love most people seek. It’s when you are settled, comfortable and has seen the imperfection of the spouse and your partner and you are still very much happy in love. "I love you" are just words. Action speaks louder than words. At times I rate unconditional love as a myth since behind it we as human beings are naturally self biased hence deceitful as we have conditions only known by our hearts in relevance to the love we have for someone, and if the conditions are withdrawn our love becomes irrelevance. There is always one too many reasons why we choose someone.

Love is teamwork, It is a two way symmetrical not asymmetrical as it  can kill it slow by slow. When you are truly in love, you feel physical connection that you can’t see; it lingers between the two of you. There are typical butterflies and the feeling of your stomach flipping. Touching this person sends tingles through your bodies. You get huge swell of emotion when thinking about that special person. The feeling is amazing.

Making love when in love is the greatest feeling ever. There is no other way I can describe it other than feeling like your souls are entwined, you are one entity.

Love is much more than a risk. However it’s a risk that one can take, grip, fall and later crawls back when one overcomes the emotions and goes to the playing field again. Seeking love.

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you vulnerable. It opens up your heart and it means someone can get inside and mess you up. You build defense,you build a whole suit of armor so that nothing can hurt you, Then one trivial person, not different from any other stupid person, ramble into your naive life. You give them a piece of you.

They didn’t ask to come into your life they just did something which captured your attention, that smile, witty talk, that kiss, then your life isn’t yours anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside; it eats you out and leaves you crying in darkness.

You promise never to fall in love again but you know it more than me, it’s a force to reckon with, You meet this person who looks amazing and you give it a shot, this time wiser than before

free jail birds

Get out of jail cards, a theory that is a myth unless you are playing the famous monopoly game. Its a rare card to find either in the game or the free world.
In the free world getting one of this cards or getting out of jail does not necessarily mean freedom. You are welcomed into the world of hostility, rejection and disdain from society.
you are viewed with contempt and lots of suspicion. Society will consider you a crook no matter what you were jailed for.Be it you were jailed for two weeks for loitering or for being drunk and disorderly. You wont be spared by the quick judgement by the so-called holier than thou society.
Every inmate is treated equally, they are all regarded as criminals even if they got there by mistake. People believe that whatever happens in prison does not really rehabilitate but harden criminals.
many people in Kenyan jails(Kenya prison service# ) do not belong there. They are victims of society, rejected by their own people. Imprisonment is viewed as being more of a punishment than rehabilitation. let us not be misled by the common belief that prisons are rehabilitation centers. They are centers for higher learning where young convicts become hardcore criminals, unless given proper guidance, this owing to the fact that in prison you have to use money to get even. This is either from the prison authorities or from fellow convicted prisoners.
sodomy and drug abuse are the order of the day. There runs cartels of drug trafficking more sophisticated than in the outside world, an irony given that this takes place under the watchful eye of the prison authorities. Some prisoners have even managed to build investments and raise families and even able to make millions in drug trafficking than they could have otherwise made if they were not in jail.
Ex-prisoners have many psychological, social and economic problems to overcome. They are reffered to as jailbirds a name that is often associated with the stigma that befalls them and their families. Their children as well as their wives cant get gainful employment as well as get financial assistance from the numerous institutions in Kenya. There is no clear cut approach to ex-prisoners thus many of them slide back to prison.
rehabilitation is a process that should start at the very beginning and end at the very end. Prisons rehabilitative programs are deemed to be shallow ended thus they are rendered ineffective.
a prisoner gets out of jail with a skill acquired through years of toil and practise only to end up just as irrelevant because of lack of capital or financial aid to start off.
Most NGOs are they are commonly reffered to,that make rounds in prisons are not necessarily doing any good to this convicts. they offer physio-spiritual counseling and then they never make followup. This is due to the numerous challenges including the fact that inmates fear rejection from society thus have low self esteem.
The truth be told, prison is a higher istitution of learning where first timers and small time crooks are taught the tricks of becoming big time robbers and murderers. In this society of man eat man, the strongest will survive. The monopoly game continues and this time you get a "get out of jail card"